[EDITORIAL] (Roh Tae-sung) 21. The disappearance of bees in the hive.

Do bees eat GMO pollen?

2021-08-14     시사24

Humanity has shared it's life and death with bees. It was only possible to live in the wilderness for 5,000 years with the help of bees. The help was honey, the food of bees. Humans have kept bees that live peacefully and busily on the mountains in hives for the mass production of honey and kept them close to their homes.

Human greed has shortened the lifespan of bees by giving them artificial food that they should not otherwise be fed unless under special conditions. For people, the function cannot be intact with food or medicine.

I think it would be good to have a terminal cancer patient who can't eat food drink a little bit of honey with minerals, but why not? I think the reason is because bees have become weak or contaminated with radiation. That will only lead to more incitement of cancer in humans.

Bees have been observed over a number of years. Tritium (3H) could be extracted from a hive in August 2020 due to low-temperature vacuum through high temperature and high pressure.

The results of the radiation measurement of the honeycomb are as follows.

In 2014 0.15pCi/,

In 2020 0.33pCi/,

As of 2021 it was 0.41pCi/.

The figure is rising. The crops have been the same.

There were five boxes of beehives at my home, and one day, all the bees disappeared. In May 2021 however, two queen bees returned to the old hive with many bees every three days. This is valuable information for the study of disappearing bees. The queen bees must have come to be present with cobalt(60Co). This is valuable information for the study of disappearing bees.

Wouldn't it be said that a lack of one of the body's 60 minerals can lead to more than 10 diseases? These trace elements Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, I, Si, Co, Se, Mn, Mo, etc. are about 0.02% of the nutrients needed by the body, but we cannot keep our body healthy with only C, H, and O of carbohydrates. Natural radioactivity (3O+3H) Bipasu cannot be Vacuum extraction without Si or Co.


1. Causes of the disappearance of bees

It is said that the sign of the disappearance of bees means the collapse of mankind. Bees are disappearing because of artificial radiation.

External causes of artificial radiation are the contamination of the seas. In the East Sea it is due to Japan's nuclear waste and in the West Sea due to China's nuclear tests.

The domestic cause is that the fields are mulched with plastic and sprayed with a lot of weed killers to prevent weeds from growing.

In order to eliminate these causes, radioactive contamination of the three-sided oceans of Korea is being cleaned up. This results are shown below.

Below are the test results of purifying and treating 10of Bipasu(3O+3H) after flowing it into the sea of ​​Yeongil Bay.


a. East Sea

The above diagram shows that radon radioactivity levels measured for eight days(May 11, 2021~May 19, 2021) decreased from 1.93 pCi/ to 0.71 pCi/.

It can also be seen that from May 11, 2021 to June 30, 2021, that is, the level of radon radiation for 50 days decreased by 1.60pCi/from 1.93pCi/to 0.33pCi/.

Considering that Tritium(3H) is still being discharged from the Fukushima nuclear power plant at this time, the above results are a good sign for the recovery of water quality in the Pacific.

The above implementation is based on the results of confirming that 10of Bipasu can be sprayed on parsley fields exposed to radiation due to the Pohang earthquake on July 5, 2019, and that a bountiful harvest can be achieved until 2020, a year later.

There is a marked difference in radon radiation dose in the East Sea (Yeongil Bay seawater) and the West Sea. The reason is that the East Sea is measured after 8 days and the West Sea is measured after 3 days.

The following are the results of radiation dose measurements for the Han River on May 26, 2021 and Boryeong (Ocheon Port) in the West Sea on May 31, 2021.


b. West Sea

c. South Sea

Before and after measuring the radiation dose in the South Sea are as above. 

On June 1, 2021, the before and after showed a difference of 0.91pCi/. Immediately after spraying Bipasu, the radiation dose levels increased by 0.91pCi/.

Yeongil Bay in the East Sea is in striking contrast to the decrease from 1.93 to 0.71, that is, 1.22pCi/in 8 days. The inspection machine is the result of mechanical operation, not artificially manmade.

In the case of Yeongil Bay, there were dams in the middle of the area where the water was buried and Yeongil Bay Sea, so water was not distributed to each dam, and the amount of water was 3-4cm deep and 50cm wide. However, in the case of the South Sea, the water in the valley was about 13 meters wide and water vein waves(RnOFe+) were emitted from underneath it.

Moreover, since the wave of the water pulse (RnOFe+) flowed in the direction along the wave and entered the Seomjin River, the level of the Seomjin River's radioactivity was almost the same as that of the upstream, which was covered with quantum wave-water(秘波水) for one hour.

Since it was a 20-30 minute car drive from the Seomjin River, the South Sea was the same as the Seomjin River in about 2 hours. Now, it seems that the relationship with the entire South Sea water can be checked after 10 days or so.

The following are the results of the 2nd inspection after 22 days.

It decreased by 0.12pCi/from 1.54pCi/(2021.6.1) to 1.42pCi/(2021.6.23).

The figure of 0.12pCi/is an astronomical result given the pollutants of tritium(3H) discharged from Fukushima, Japan, and of about 10 nuclear power plants off the coast of China, plus the cooling water discharged from one in Taiwan.


2. Alternatives

(1) Purification of seawater
On satellite, find a place where natural radiation comes from the water of the valley adjacent to the sea and there bury a barrel containing 10of Bipasu. Just before burying, make a hole in the barrel with an awl so that it flows out little by little. It should be buried in only one place in each valley near the East Sea, West Sea, and South Sea. Visit the Bipasu jar once a month and replenish the Bipasu until the sea is purified.
(2) Methods for healthy bees and hives ;
Bipasu has particles and waves of natural radioactivity 3O+3H, so it can control bee pests.

How to feed the bees with Bipasu : Cut the raw Pine Tree into 1m lengths and cut them in half lengthwise. Make a 4-5mm deep groove on the cut side. Poke a small hole with an awl so that the water drips out of the water tank. Place the device in front of the hive so that the water drips from the prepared pine tree groove. Pine trees also emit natural radioactivity from the tree itself.

This water keeps a hive and skin healthy, allowing bees and humans to coexist.

To prove this, add a drop or two of Bipasu into the bathtub and soak your tired body for 30 minutes.

Do bees eat GMO pollen? In general, organically raised cows are not fed GMO alfalfa hay or corn. What about bees? I don't know for sure, because I don't have observational experience, but even if bees eat it, we can cancel the FeO wave of pollen radioactivity RnOFe+

RnOFe+ + O-Si(OH)3 Rn + SiO2 + Fe++ + 3O + 3H

The picture below is a bowl made for feeding bees with Bipasu.

